Friday, February 1, 2013

Table for Six Please!

So I decided that I will share this quick blurb with you all given how I came up with the name for this blog anyways! 

Yes, we are now officially a family of six, but we had been spending quite a bit of time at home and being a table of six at home rather than out and about in the public world known as a restaurant.  We had been avoiding it with a newborn and germs; but we were also avoiding the logistics of taking two adults and four kiddos out for a meal as it did seem a little daunting to Scot and I as well.  Excluding one evening where we ate at a deli type, sandwich shop, we didn't eat out anywhere for weeks after Big Mac our Big Boy was born.  The experience that night wasn't too shabby, but it wasn't like we had a true sit down dinner in its truest form with an actual server or anything.  We still hadn't accomplished that feat and gone out someplace relatively descent just yet.

Well, after hearing the girls desiring to eat out again, and actually hearing Sky Baby blame the lack of meals out on her littlest brother (though I guess in part that was a true assessment on her part; just didn't like hearing her say it), Scot and I realized that the attempt should be made soon and well he and I were looking forward to a dinner out too with no mess to clean up as well.  So about three weeks ago, we ventured out for a family meal out complete with an actual wait staff!

We journeyed to a large store some miles away to shop and we planned to dine in at their relatively descent seafood restaurant.  Scot and I with all our kiddos in tow, headed over to the restaurant entrance and for the very first time I heard Scot say, "Table for six please." Okay, Okay, Okay he didn't quite say it like that, but I just had to type my version because of the name of my blog you know!!  LOL!  Anyways... when Scot was asked how many by the hostess, he replied something to the affect of, "Five and a half," because Big Boy was in his carrier and stroller; and therefore, we didn't need a table that actually sat six.

HOWEVER, they sat us at a table for six anyways!

As we all filed behind the hostess who led us to our table, I could see some eyes staring at us.  I know I shouldn't put thoughts in peoples heads but while some looked like they were thinking what beautiful children we had, others looked like they were thinking that we had a few too many children and that they were worried that my kids were going to ruin their meals and chatter. 

But they didn't need to worry because our kids behaved beautifully.  I mean they really did, and I am not just saying that because I am their mom!  Little Man had a few minutes of a two-year-old attitude, however, Scot took him out to take some merchandise we bought to the minivan and when they returned a short time later, our food was served.  And while we ate, we enjoyed a calm and pleasant meal as did others on our side of the dining room.  I did scarf down my shrimp pasta because Big Boy was due for a feeding at any point by the time we were seated (there was a brief wait time originally as the restaurant was busy); however, Big Boy didn't wake up for some time after we finished our dinner; and therefore, I piled pasta into my mouth quickly for nothing!

It was such a good experience and a wonderful feeling to be out and about as a table of six, officially!  I can't guarantee that calm meals out and about will be common place all of the time as Little Man had a few moments out last night, but I will enjoy the ones that do go well and I will continue to embrace my family of six!  As I type those very words, I look forward to sharing more experiences and the things that we have learned and such as a family of six.  I have so many posts I plan on writing!  If you are interested, be on the look out!

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