I preface this by the admittance that many of my posts may be about two or more weeks after the time from which I was either inspired to write, or from the time in which the event(s) occurred, as being a family of six I just have limited time to write in a timely manner anymore much less even proofread; but hopefully you will still enjoy my experiences.
Two weeks ago, I embarked on my first full week back in full swing as a mom of four with no meals being supplied by my church family and no actual days off for the Holidays on Scot's part anymore. The Holidays were over and the meals were done and our regular schedule was back into full swing again. For the most part, it was a good first week back; however, at differemt points through out a given day, I really did find myself running in circles and circles and circles. Moments of calm were often followed by moments of absolute craziness and chaotic multi-tasking to say the least.
For example, one late morning that week, Little Man wanted to go outside and play in our tiny plot of land we call our backyard. I thought that it was a perfect idea since colder temps and rain were expected the following day, and as I have learned with my crew and my rather small house, getting them outside to run off energy is VITAL!! So I got Little Man ready to embark on his adventure outside, but I needed to stay inside with Big Boy to nurse him. Luckily, our yard is small so I can sit from my glider in the living room and pretty much see our backyard and children with out a problem.
At first, everything was going smoothly. Little Man was playing and Big Boy was nursing and I was basking in the unsuspected ease of it all. Then Little Man decided to become a daredevil on our play set, and so I had to quickly had to place Big Boy on the floor and run outside to address that going-ons. Then I burped Big Boy and proceeded to nurse again when Little Man took a tumble. I once again had to place Big Boy down and run outside. I then came inside finished nursing Big Boy and then went to change his diaper. Then Little Boy had another something go on and I ran back outside to just come back inside where Big Boy spat up all over himself. Then Little Boy was crying because he couldn't get going on the swing so being a mom who wanted to let her two-year-old know that he wasn't forgotten and to give him attention, I ran back outside to push him on the swing. As I was out there I realized that it was lunch time and ran inside to retrieve Little Man's lunch. After I placed his lunch on the table, I cleaned up the yard quickly and retrieved Little Man, washed him up, fed him, and put him down for nap. Then it was time to feed me and after I quickly threw food down my throat, it was time to feed Big Boy once again!
The depiction above was how my first week to two weeks back in the saddle have gone--a whirlwind. The first week back, Paize's dance classes started up again. I spent all day gearing up for this crazy outing and planned how I would approach the very busy and crazy parking lot with three kids walking and the fourth in the carrier. I decided that in order to over come that obstacle, we would leave extra early and planned exactly where I wanted to park. The plan started off extremely well. At 5:15 PM, we all huddle into the van (note: our usual departure for her 5:45 PM class has been usually 5:30 PM mind you) and we all headed down the road. We pull in and I was able to park the van where I had planned. We exit the vehicle and all headed to the sidewalk in the manner in which I had planned: Sky Baby and Crazy Paizy holding hands while I carried Big Boy in the carrier with my stronger right arm and held Little Man's hand with my left hand as we journeyed out of the parking lot to the sidewalk. SPLENDID! That too went according to plan. The kiddos and I walked briskly down the sidewalk with Little Man trying to stray here and there from course, which I had anticipated that I would have a few course corrections with him. We make it to the studio door, and me and my crew headed right on in. Got Crazy Paizy in her dance shoes and looked at the clock Phew! We had just a few minutes to spare! And then I kissed her cheek and told her I loved her and began planning our exit when they announce that today was costume fitting day. COSTUME FITTING DAY! How did I miss that!
Now my mind starts trying to figure out how to proceed on to the unexpected change of plans. We all huddle into the studio and I quickly fitted Paize in her costume while listening to the instructions that were being given while trying to keep track of Little Man who was meandering around the room and sending Sky Baby on an occasional recognisance mission to retrieve her wondering brother. Fitting quickly came to an end and I then kissed Paize on her cute cheek, threw her costume into Sky Baby's arms and retrieved both boys and headed out the door. As we made it to the van, my mind was on the next task--dinner.
My dinner making was now fifteen minutes behind schedule! We pile in the front door and I start running around to make dinner--a dinner that I thought would be simple. A dinner for which I had planned earlier in the day. I grabbed the frozen breaded chicken and threw them in the oven, I got my frozen veggies boiling but I didn't expect Little Man and Sky Baby to be hungry and demanding snack! I also didn't realize that by being fifteen minutes late to start my dinner meant that I would be starting dinner as Big Boy is whaling for his because he was now due! I scoop my screaming baby into my arms and proceed to give Little Man and Sky Baby the what for as certainly couldn't they see I was trying to remedy the problem!
By this point, I am on mommy overload trying to do this and that with a screaming baby in my arms who needed to eat. I shove food in a bowl for Little Man and Sky Baby because I just needed quiet and then I seized my opportunity to feed Big Boy. It was the perfect opportunity I thought. I had just started the water and such boiling for my Pasta Roni (Yes, this was a meal of flexibility I had described to you in my last post!) so I grabbed my kitchen bar stool and actually started breastfeeding while sitting upon that with fourteen pound Big Boy in my arms. If you can imagine, breastfeeding for anyone on a bar stool is not the easiest task much less for an infant the size of Big Boy!
I thought that sitting on the bar stool would be perfect because I would be able to feed Big Boy and keep watch over my pot of water on the stove. However, something went wrong! You know the saying that a watched pot never boils? Probably, because you are impatiently waiting for it to boil that it seems forever before that pot of water comes to a boil? Nope not in my case. Due to the fact that I just wanted a few minutes to nurse my child and breath, I watched that pot of water come to a rolling boil in what seemed like two to three minutes! My mouth dropped open! I wanted more time! I needed more time.
I then got up from the stool with my nursing baby and with one hand I did what I thought would be an easy task--pour the pasta from the box into the pot. The plan went smoother in my head because the pasta came out in one messy clump. With my free hand I went for the fork to smash the pasta down into the pot but all I ended up doing was sending dried, broken pieces of pasta into the air! I placed Big Boy down to tackle the problem and then just started laughing. I needed that laugh and I kept laughing. And yes, because of the laughter it brought, I did actually take the extra minute to grab my cell phone and take a picture of the pot!